First of all, seize the opportunity! You may have already asked yourself “why should I upgrade now when I can do it on my own after I move in?” With us, you will experience one stop shopping in your own personal appointment with a trained consultant. In some cases, you may even be able to roll the cost of the options into your loan. Never mind having to race all over town from one store to the next in search of the right products and reliable installers.
Now is the time to install options without disrupting your home. Changing your cabinets, ceramic tile, carpet, hardwood or other products after you move in can be an extensive process. Be advised that you may risk damaging your home and it can sometimes void your warranty on other installed products.
Your builder’s contractors have been carefully selected. They have theproper insurance, quality assurance practices and warranty commitments that provide you with the peace of mind that you will receive quality products that are expertly installed.
Lastly, we encourage you to make the most of your selection meeting by bringing with you a cushion off your sofa, a fabric swatch from your new chair, a paint chip or even a picture from a magazine of a beautiful room that inspired you.